Vladimir Prus wrote:
Fran?ois Duranleau wrote:
variables_map inherits from std::map as well (though it's not documented as such).
The type of values iterated over are pairs of std::string and boost::program_options::variable_value.
I have no idea why BoostBook decided to hide that inheritance, but it was designed that way, so that you can iterate variables_map. I've added comment to that effect to varaibles_map class docs.
- Volodya
Is there a way to extract the "original" string from variable_value? By this I mean the one taken from command line or ini file before conversion to int, float etc...? I suppose for vectors this would be impossible - you would need a vector of "original" strings. But this would at least cut the cases down. Is it possible to as a variable it holds a single or multiple values? Thanks, Andy