bounded_buffer is taken from the boost circular_buffer examples which wraps
operations with lock acquisition and release (more type-safe).

I've changed up the calls slightly for my app and the problem is, I am having
difficulty compiling. I was hoping to make the calls like below w/o the need for a template function (as in the example) since I'm in the function where I'd like to make the calls.

    bounded_buffer<MyData> bb(200);

    Consumer<bounded_buffer> consumer(bb);
    Producer<bounded_buffer> producer(bb);

    boost::thread* c_thread = new boost::thread(consumer);
    boost::thread* p_thread = new boost::thread(producer);


Here are the compile errors:

 error: type/value mismatch at argument 1 in template parameter list for
'template<class Buffer> class Consumer'

 error:   expected a type, got 'bounded_buffer'

The example code I'm using is,