10 Nov
10 Nov
1:41 p.m.
OK OK I got it finally ! THanks for your help. Now that I'm looking back its sorta obvious, but I guess I didn;t really now that when you use "-l<some-lib>" with g++ (any compiler?) the its just the name of the physical library in "/usr/local/lib" (or wherever) with the "lib" part cut off. So I was able to get a hello_world.cpp to compile by doing: g++ \ -lboost_regex-gcc \ -L/usr/local/lib \ -I/usr/local/include/boost-1_31 \ hello_world.cpp It was the "-lboost_regex-gcc" part that was tripping me up. I wasn't putting the "-gcc" on the end. Thanks again! -- paul \ / wisehart >/ /////$> |\|\|\