I don't understand the call "acc call". I would like to rebuild the cov command form Matlab for matrix data (
If this is correct, when I give as the
first argument of command data from the first line and second as the
data of the first column to the first value to calculate the new matrix?
I try try compile the excample, but I get a compiler error on the "acc::tag::covariate1":
acc::accumulator_set<double, acc::stats<acc::tag::covariance<double, acc::tag::covariate1> > > xx;
xx(1., acc::tag::covariate1 = 2.);
xx(1., acc::tag::covariate1 = 4.);
xx(2., acc::tag::covariate1 = 3.);
xx(6., acc::tag::covariate1 = 1.);
std::cout << acc::covariance(xx) << std::endl;
The error text: "expected primary-expression befor = token". Sorry, it's a little bit late, so I don't see my mistake
Thanks Phil