Merrill Cornish wrote:
I still can't get the positional parameter, but I've got other problem to research first.
The options_descriptions above defines --limit as an unsigned integer with a default value of 1. It does get a default value of 1, and it will let you specify another unsigned integer value. But if you specify a non-unisgned integer (e.g., --limit=xxx or --limit=-5), then it bypasses the exception handling and calls Dr. Watson. The reported error is a wild write to unwritable memory.
Any ideas how to chase this problem?
Yes: 1. Provide a *minimal complete example* reproducing the problem. Obviously, I can't run your example under valgrind if you did not provide the example. 2. Provide the exact message from "Dr. Watson". I suppose it reports something more than "wild write to unwritable memory". - Volodya