Hi, I'm having trouble with serializing an object through a pointer to it. The code below works in 1.32, but in 1.33 it gives the errors below. I am using Mac OS X 10.4.2, gcc 4.0. I've had a look at the headers, but my template programming isn't good enough to make too much sense of them. It seems that there is a check to ensure T is not a pointer on line 549 of oserializer.hpp, which is the reason the static assert is failing? Is it correct that objects shouldn't be serializable by pointers to them, or not? Cheers Chris gps_position* p_g = new gps_position(35, 59, 24.567f); oa << p_g; // causes the error's below g++ -o test test.cpp -lboost_serialization-d-1_33 /usr/local/include/boost/archive/detail/oserializer.hpp: In function 'void boost::archive::save(Archive&, T&) [with Archive = boost::archive::text_oarchive, T = gps_position*]': /usr/local/include/boost/archive/basic_text_oarchive.hpp:78: instantiated from 'void boost::archive::basic_text_oarchive<Archive>::save_override(T&, int) [with T = gps_position*, Archive = boost::archive::text_oarchive]' /usr/local/include/boost/archive/detail/interface_oarchive.hpp:85: instantiated from 'Archive& boost::archive::detail::interface_oarchive<Archive>::operator<<(T&) [with T = gps_position*, Archive = boost::archive::text_oarchive]' hash_test.cpp:130: instantiated from here /usr/local/include/boost/archive/detail/oserializer.hpp:560: error: invalid application of 'sizeof' to incomplete type 'boost::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE<false>' This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment may still contain software viruses, which could damage your computer system: you are advised to perform your own checks. Email communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as permitted by UK legislation.