Christine SINOQUET wrote:
I have to implement chi square tests. As I already use the boost library boost_1_38 for other purposes, I would like to use it for this purpose too. However I can find no documentation relative to this or the information I find is not correct.
Can somebody indicate me how I can to use accumulators/statistics ? Is the boost_1_38 appropriate ? Which file should I include and which function should I use ?
I just need to specify the columns in a matrix I wish to test for independence, the data itself and a threshold alpha. I would like the test statistic in return, as well as the p-value.
If my question is not the object of this diffusion list, please tell me.
Thank you in advance.
I tend to find Boost.Accumulators most useful when you want to compute a statistics in a sequential fashion say for n = 10, 20, 30. In your case, Boost.Accumulators would be useful to update a contingency table as observations are accumulated. The actual statistics would be in a separate "feature" that depends on the former (that's the beauty of Boost.Acc). You can find an example along those lines for the kolmogorov statistic: If you already have a contingency table (as seems the case from your question) I can only suggest to compute the statistics (std::accumulate?) and and compare it to its critical value using HTH, but if it's too trivial, better safe than sorry.