Alexander Bell wrote:
Ed Johnson
writes: Does anyone know how to recreate this example using the iterators?
using namespace boost::numeric::ublas; typedef matrix<double> MatType; MatType m(3,3);
for(MatType::iterator1 i1 = m.begin1(); i1!=m.end1(); ++i1) for(MatType::iterator2 i2 = i1.begin2(); i2!=i1.end2(); ++i2) *i2= ... // obviously you cannot assign the iterators here
untested - but the main idea is, that iterator1 accesses each row and iterator2 loops over the columns of the rows - this should work for all models of Matrix (including sparse matrices)
Good luck,
Thanks, Alexander. I tried the code and got these compilation errors. c:\workspace\hivm\trunk\src\test\PreProcessorTest.cpp(315): error C2039: 'begin2' : is not a member of 'boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<T>::iterator1' with [ T=double ] c:\workspace\hivm\trunk\src\test\PreProcessorTest.cpp(315): error C2039: 'end2' : is not a member of 'boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<T>::iterator1' with [ T=double ] I tried the following, but it doesn't work either. The goal of the code is to load the entire matrix with 2's. code: using namespace boost::numeric::ublas; typedef matrix<double> MatType; MatType m(3,3); for(MatType::iterator1 i1 = m.begin1(); i1!=m.end1(); ++i1) for(MatType::iterator2 i2 = m.begin2(); i2!=m.end2(); ++i2) *i2 = 2; std::cout << m << std::endl; output: ((2,2,2),(-6.27744e+066,-6.27744e+066,-6.27744e+066),(-6.27744e+066,-6.27744e+066,-6.27744e+066)) Also, pointing an iterator2 to an iterator1 results in a conversion error. c:\workspace\hivm\trunk\src\test\PreProcessorTest.cpp(315): error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<T>::iterator1' to 'boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<T>::iterator2' with [ T=double ] and [ T=double ] Any ideas? Thanks, Ed