On 07/17/09 03:35, Aaron Windsor wrote:
In the specific example you mentioned, if you started with a maximal planar graph + a planar embedding, then added a vertex v somewhere and a few edges adjacent to v, you could still use make_maximal_planar to fill out the rest of the planar embedding as long as you specify at least two edges adjacent to v and add them to the planar embedding first (as this will fix v's relative location in the planar embedding).
It is much clear now, thanks. So now I've the problem to find those first two edges to add. Unfortunately there is no relation between the coordinates (like a regular mesh or whatever). There is a distance tag, maybe it is of some use to find the closest vertices ? But still, the closest vertices might be in another face. It might be easier for this part to use other means than purely boost::graph to find those points (we have other representations of the mesh that could help). Thank you for this really nice answer though. -- yabo