On Thu, 2007-05-17 at 16:59 +0200, Leon Mlakar wrote:
Now I am trying to be a good programmer and keep track of my pointers. So I decided that I should replace the pointer with a shared_ptr.
In regards to the validity of calling get() on an unassigned shared_ptr I thought that if a shared_ptr was declared in the header and no call is given to any constructor that the default constructor would be used. Therefore the shared_ptr would have a value of 0x0.
It would, and you shouldn't get the message. Perhaps the message comes from the copy assignment (which again, it shouldn't) - try
m_instance.reset(new Trace_State());
You could also simply write if (!m_instance) as shared_ptr declares operator ! just for this purpose.
But I agree, in a singleton pattern you benefit from shared pointer only if the singleton lives shorter than the application and you want to make sure it's not gone while still in use.
Since its suppose to live the length of the application then its alright that we make it follow the Meyers Singleton without using the boost shared_ptr. Thanks for the help. Stephen