Geoff Hilton wrote:
Quick question:
Given an arbitrary graph of type:
typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::listS, //out edge list selector boost::vecS, //vertex list selector boost::bidirectionalS, //directedness selector VertexPropertyWrapper_type, EdgePropertyWrapper_type> Graph_type;
Where: typedef boost::property< boost::vertex_index_t, unsigned long long, MyVertexProperty> VertexPropertyWrapper_type;
And: typedef boost::property< boost::edge_index_t, unsigned long long, MyEdgeProperty> EdgePropertyWrapper_type;
How does setting edge/vertex_index_t as an interior property affect..anything? I saw in a post on this list somewhere a while ago that this was a necessary workaround for something or other (that which I don't recall now).
In the post it actually said to use "int" (or was it unsigned int?) rather than unsigned long long but in any case I left it as unsigned long long and it hasn't affected anything negatively thus far so I left it that way. I believe I put it at unsigned long long because the type that was suggested for the *_index_t happened to match a weight type used in the post, but whether that was intentionally and implicitly or unintentionally and explicitly I don't remember.
Thank you, Geoff
Just a correction of phrasing to this bit: I believe I put it at unsigned long long because the type
that was suggested for the *_index_t happened to match a weight type used in the post, but whether that was intentionally and implicitly or unintentionally and explicitly I don't remember.
I meant: "...or unintentionally and unrelated..." Thanks again, Geoff