On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 4:54 PM, Vicente
J. Botet Escriba
Le 10/04/12 01:24,
Jeffrey Lee Hellrung, Jr. a écrit :
The overload
explicit packaged_task(R(*f)()):
seems necessary because otherwise the task_object is
instantiated with <R,R()> which is not what we want.
Do you have an hint on how simplify this?
Okay yeah I wasn't sure why you needed this overload, thanks
for clarifying. I guess when constructing a packaged_task with
a function name, and you don't explicitly use the address-of
operator (&), F gets bound as a function reference?
Probably easiest to just explicitly use a separate constructor
as above and document its necessity.
The test
futures/packaged_task/alloc_ctor_pass.cpp gives this
Thanks for your patience and perseverance.
And thank you for clarifying the issue for me!
Please, could you check the patch and see if there is
something that can be improved.
Yeah that looks about what I would've suggested. Just add,
like you said, the remove_cv's.