On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 09:41:17PM +0100, Olaf van der Spek wrote:
Pavol Droba wrote:
There is no such a function in string_algo lib. But you can easily use std::lexicographical_compare.
There is a variant with a custom comparison predicate. For that you can use boost::is_iequal defined in boost/algorithm/string/compare.hpp. But is_iequal only tests for equality, it doesn't provide an ordering of the characters. He's looking for something like is_iless, which I think would be a nice addition too string_algo.
I see. Sorry about that. Somehow I have overlooked this obvious aspect.
You are right, such a function can be usefull. I will add it (but it will have to wait after the release)
Hi Pavol,
What's the status of this feature? I've been looking for it too. :)
Hi, The functionality is in cvs. I have added lexicographical_compare (also in i variant) and comparison predicates is_(i)less, is_not_(i)greater. Check it out. Regards, Pavol