I attached my user-config.jam
I also attached the output of ../b2 --debug-configuration, as the file, debug.txt.
I went to the BOOST_ROOT directory and rebuilt the headers. Initially ./b2 headers, caused errors, because I had initially run b2 as "sudo ./b2 install". I chowned back to my user, and reran. After I reran I still got the same errors.
Thanks again for your help,
On Mon, 2/27/17, Rene Rivera
From: Clark Sims
Subject: error running boost book
To: boost-users@lists.boost.org
Date: Saturday, February 25, 2017, 6:53 PM
I get the following error when I cd
to BOOST_ROOT/doc and run ../bjam
My ~/user-config.jam looks fine. I pasted it bellow the
error. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I have spent a great deal of time trying to fix
It seems you forgot to paste the user-config. ALso try running with --debug-configuration and paste the header output for that. this.
It looks like the doxygen.jam in the
boost_1_63_0/tools/build/src/ tools directory does not like
the syngax of the doxygen rule in ~/user-config.jam.
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------
Building the tti docs with automatic index generation
disabled. Try building with --enable-index.
/home/csims/boost_1_63_0/libs/ dll/doc/Jamfile.v2:66: in
*** argument error
* rule doxygen ( target : sources + : requirements * :
default-build * : usage-requirements * )
* called with: ( autodoc_shared_library_core : :
At this level it looks like it's missing aources. Looking at Boost DLL doc build file https://github.com/boostorg/dll/blob/boost-1.63.0/doc/Jamfile.v2 it does globs for filling header files for the sources. Which would suggest that the headers aren't there. And hence you should try running "b2 headers" first. -- -- Rene Rivera -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Robot Dreams - http://robot-dreams.net -- rrivera/acm.org (msn) - grafikrobot/aim,yahoo,skype,efnet,gmail