hitesh dhiman wrote:
Hi all, I'm trying to get the boost.python tutorial working. The hello.py example builds successfully. The problem is, when i run my python file, there is an error:
Evaluating hello.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 6, in <fragment> ImportError: No module named hello_ext
Now, the tutorial directory has the python and c++ file, and a bin directory. the bin directory is as follows : tutorial\bin\msvc-9.0\debug\threading-multi the hello_ext.pyd file is located inside here.
Can anyone help? Its a path problem i believe, but i'm not able to pin point whats wrong.
Hello, the only experience I have is on a Linux platform, where a shared library hello_ext.so should be created. After this, from python do a 'import hello_ext' to get access to the class and get it working as advertised. Kind regards, Rutger