Eric Niebler
I'm doing some performance comparisons between Rogue Wave's Regexp class (http://www.roguewave.com/support/docs/tlsref/rwcregexp.cfm) and boost::regex using simple expressions like "^metal.*" and "[0-9]+" with regex_search(). regex is slower by a factor of 6, measuring cpu time (on a SunBlade 100 runing Solaris 8). Is there anything I can do to speed it up? I tried using different values of boost::regbase::flag_type_ to adjust how the regular expressions are interpreted, but with little effect. Any other ideas? (I'm using boost_1_27_0.)
Hi, I downloaded your software and have a question concerning license. I'd like to build a template-libraray for PHP and need therefore regex-matching. I don't want to sell this library, I think I'll use a BSD style licence. Am I allowed to youse greta for this purpose ??? Greetings, Uwe -- Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Schmitt Computer science is no more about Computers, uwe.schmitt@procoders.net than astronomy is about telescopes. h(Dijkstra) http://www.procoders.net