I got why it compiles and should not. This is the good part of the news. The bad part is that I probably cannot catch a wrong event inside a pseudo exit at compile-time, only at run-time. So all I can do is add an assert to at least catch the error in debug mode.
Hi, This solution is fine because it eventually achieves the same thing: Make the user aware of his/her mistake. And on the other hand: The compiler errors aren't always that enlightening either. (Try to make a mistake in the transition table for example, you'll hit the "error motherload" soon enough ;) )
In order to make the doc better, where did you encounter difficulties?
I was confused by the fact that "event6" also triggered a normal transition. Also, in the diagram, the arrows from Substate3 to PseudoExit1 and from PseudoExit1 to State2 both have "event5" as text, but I think it is more consistent when the second arrow has "event6". I really admire the fact that the documentation has such a high value for you guys, other projects should really take this as an example. Great work! Keep it up! Best regards, Johan