On 20/01/2015 22:41, Patricia Mendez Lorenzo wrote:
Dear Boost experts,
I'm definitely not an expert, but...
since a while I am trying to compile Boost from the source in a 32b linux machine with c++11 enabled. The compiler version used is gcc4.8.1
This is performed through cmake as follows:
--> Configuration: bootstrap.sh --with-python=
--with-toolset=gcc --> Build: /b2 -j4 variant=release --layout=versioned --debug-configuration --toolset=gcc --user-config=<path to a user-config.jam> Where user-config.jam contains the following information: using gcc : : : <linkflags>-m32 <compileflags>-m32 -std=gnu++0x
also tested it with -std=c++11
And finally installed which basically contains the same options as the build adding --prefix=<installation dir> The libraries built following this procedure does not seem to have been created with c++11.
If it looks like the main difference is that the -std flag was omitted, did you try using this instead: using gcc : : : <linkflags>-m32 <compileflags>-m32 <cxxflags>-std=gnu++11 If you're compiling 32bit Boost in a 32bit machine you probably don't need the -m32 options though, so just: using gcc : : : <cxxflags>-std=gnu++11 should do the trick. (Use gnu++0x instead of gnu++11 if you have an older version of gcc.)