Hi all,

I'm reading in thousands of files in the graphviz language into a program using read_graphviz(), library version 1.33.1.  I noticed a problem with some of my results and discovered that read_graphviz doesn't appear to be interpreting the files correctly.  The structure of the graphs is preserved  (no edges gone astray).  However, the labeling of the nodes is changed.  I confirmed this by reading in a file and immediately writing it back out using write_graphviz().  Below is the code used to read in the files.  It's very simple as I have nothing special being reprsented.  Could someone else check this and confirm this is a problem.  I've checked the bugs list and 1.34.x release notes and found nothing addressing the particular issue.

thanks all.

My read_graphviz code:

bool file;
ifstream in(openfile.c_str(), ios::in);
dynamic_properties dp;
dp.property ("node_id", get(&ed_node::vertex_name, ug));  <--simple adjacency list with bundled properties being used
file = read_graphviz(in, ug, dp, "node_id");

Source graphviz file:

strict graph  {
    0 -- 3;
    0 -- 4;
    1 -- 3;
    1 -- 4;
    2 -- 3;
    2 -- 4;
    3 -- 4;

Output graphviz file:

graph G {
0--1 ;
0--2 ;
3--1 ;
3--2 ;
4--1 ;
4--2 ;
1--2 ;