4 May
4 May
3:27 p.m.
On Wed, May 4, 2005 5:13 am, Eric Goebelbecker said:
I am new to boost, I had no idea there was a Wiki. A site with documentation as well as blogs and news on C++ and Boost would pull more traffic than a I'm embarassed to admit that I missed the fact that there was a Wiki too. (Maybe they should move the link up toward the top, near the links for the e-mail lists.)
I'm a fairly new user (using Boost a few months now), and I too had NO idea that there was a Boost Wiki. I've been looking at the documentation on the Boost web page, and I've subscribed to the mailing lists, but for some reason I don't remember reading anything about a wiki. I'll go back to the Boost web page and see if I can find a link to it somewhere...