On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Dave Abrahams
<dave@boostpro.com> wrote:
On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 5:19 AM, alfC <
alfredo.correa@gmail.com> wrote:
> (Note, named parameter boost library is not the proper way to go here
> because the of the level of instrospection I need in the functions,
> and because the use of named parameters is not to omit passing
> parameters but to recognize 'externally' certain parameters).
I would be *very* surprised if there was some kind of introspection
possible that Boost.Parameter didn't allow. And I don't understand
what you mean about omitting passing parameters or external
recognition. I think you're reinventing the wheel; a Boost.Parameter
ArgumentPack is essentially a fusion map.
ok, since I am probably missing the point, I am going to be one order of magnitude more specific in defining what I want to achieve.
In the following example I will mix C++ and mathematical language to make the point clear.
In "math", one can define a function of parameters and with some abuse of notation one can use the names of parameters to define functionals (e.g. derivatives), so for example
H(p,q) = p*p + q;
which can be evaluated, e.g. H(1.,2.) == 3. but one can also "invoke" the derivatives of H,
dH/dq(1.,2.) == 4.
To be consistent with the abuse of notation one can also say H(p=1., q=2.) or even H(q=2.,p=1), etc. It is this degree of notational flexibility what I would like to achieve.
Let's switch to C++
double H(double p, double q){
return p*p+q;
if I call H(1.,2.) I get of course the desired result. I would also like to call something like
d<H, q>(1.,2.) which is the numerical derivative of H with respect to q evaluated at p=1., q=2.
That is not possible with the naive definition of H because "q" means nothing in the template parameter of "d".
So the next step is to inform C++ of the naming of the parameters, so I did:
struct p{};
struct q{};
double H(map<pair<p, double>, pair<q, double> > const& args){
return at_key<p>(args)*at_key<p>(args) + at_key<q>(args);
// same as return H(at_key<p>(args), at_key<q>(args));
great, now the compiler has some idea of what the parameters are.
I can call this function as
or even as H(1.,2.)
now the derivative problem:
suppose I already have a magical templated function, called 'derivative' that returns the numerical derivative of a function or function object, when this function has only one argument.
double derivative(double const& x){ ...already defined... }
double f(double x){return x*x;}
used as
the question is how to define a function "d" that takes a function like H with fusion container arguments, bind it against all arguments except one and calls derivative on that function. For example
d<H, q>(1.,2.);
internally, the code should bind all the parameters except q to its corresponding values in the argument. in this case it is H binded with p=1. and then *derivative* of H( __, 2.) is called with argument 1.
Christofere pointed example
seems to be in the right direction but the code is hard to read, not to mention that it doesn't compile.
Thank you,
Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing
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