Hi, I'm using boost.test and BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE to verify that some matrices I compute are equal to some reference matices. This works fine as long as no entries are zero in either matrix (reference or computed). However, when an entry is zero, BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE always fails, which makes sense, since relative error is undefined in such cases. If either entry is zero, I can use BOOST_CHECK_SMALL instead with an absolute error: if (ref==0.0 || val==0.0) BOOST_CHECK_SMALL(ref - val, absolute_error); else BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ref, val, relative_error); But is this really the best way to do this? And if this is the standard way of doing this, shouldn't there be function in boost.test for automating this, like: BOOST_CHECK_NEAR(ref, value, relative_error, absolute_error); kinds regards, Anders (sorry if this post appears twice)