If you want to target a specific library (Boost.Locale?), put the library
name in the subject; then this would have a better chance at being
addressed. Of course, I don't know if this is library-specific or
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 4:04 AM, koala01
I just have compiled a personnal build of mingw-w64 (gcc 4.8) and different extern libraries, as icu-50.1.2 (the last release of that library) on windows vista
When trying to compile boost (1-53-0), it appears that icu is not found, due to following name changes in icu:
* icudata library is now named icudt * icui18n library is now named icuin
(i dont know if those change are recent or not :S)
We can, of course, provide a copy of those libraries with the correct / needed names, but shouldn't it better to make a conditionnal choice on the icu version to know if we have to use one or other name, to ensure that icu would be correctly detected ?
I expect that such test should simply take place in a jamfile or in another, am i wrong?
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