AMDG gj_uestc wrote:
hi, while I tried to build all binaries of boost_1_35_0 with ICU, I only got 2 :libboost_regex-iw-mt-gd-1_35.lib and libboost_regex-iw-mt 1_35.lib,with the rest 6 are missing. I activated bjam like this: bjam --toolset=intel -with regex -sICU_PATH=/cygdrive/c/home/gejuan/ICU/icu4c-3_8_1-src/icu/source --build-type=complete -sHAVE_ICU=1 stage.and I got error message:
I've duplicated your problem, but I don't really understand the cause. For reference: * The error happens during the creation of the boost_regex library * The library names are added to the property-set of boost_regex using <name>. * The error can be caused by the parameters: [debug|release] link=static runtime-link=static * It seems to work in the trunk and in 1.36. In Christ, Steven Watanabe