Robert Dailey wrote:
Would you mind going over what exactly this is doing? I'm having a
hard time wrapping my head around it. The documentation isn't helping
much either, as I've never used these before and the descriptions are
very confusing.
I also didn't see a version of mpl::transform that only took 1
template argument. Is this correct?
You're right. I was in too much of a hurry before.
Here's something that actually compiles.
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
// bring _ into scope.
using namespace mpl::placeholders;
struct WalkPacket {};
struct ChatPacket {};
struct QuestPacket {};
// a metafunction to create a signal type that
// takes T as is argument by const reference.
template<class T>
struct make_signal {
typedef boost::signal type;
// a type list of all the possible packet types.
typedef mpl::vector packet_types;
// take the list of packet types and transform it
// to get the signal types. The result will be
// equivalent to
// mpl::vector, signal, signal >
// make_signal<_> is an mpl lambda expression. _
// is a placeholder which in this context means
// to substitute the first argument to the
// metafunction. In other words mpl::apply, T>
// will replace _ with T and then return the nested ::type
// typename make_signal<T>::type.
typedef mpl::transform >::type signals;
// A type that inherits from all of the signal types.
// The mpl::inherit<_, _> is similar to make_signal<_> above,
// except that the first _ refers to the first argument and
// and the second _ refers to the second argument.
// mpl::inherit_linearly starts with an initial base class
// which defaults to mpl::empty_base, takes the
// first type in signals, and applies mpl::inherit to
// the two bases. inherit.
// Then, it continues with the second element of signals
// to get inherit, ChatPacket>
// And so on.
// inherit just inherits from both it's arguments.
// This could really be replaced by a fusion::set.
typedef mpl::inherit_linearly >::type
struct signal_visitor : boost::static_visitor<> {
explicit signal_visitor(signal_holder& holder) : holder_(holder) {}
signal_holder& holder_;
template<class T>
void operator()(T const& t) const {
// up-cast to correct type of signal.
typedef boost::make_variant_over::type packet;
int main() {
packet p = WalkPacket();
signal_holder signals;
boost::apply_visitor(signal_visitor(signals), p);
In Christ,
Steven Watanabe