> Hello,
> We are in the process of creating unit tests for our in-house application
> development and have selected Boot.Test as a library. ?I?ve been toying
> with the library for a while now and there is one feature that I feel is
> missing. ?It is the capacity to check a whole collection for close
> i.e. the ?close? equivalent of BOOST_*_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS.
Devel Boost.Test can do much better:
vector<float> a, b;
BOOST_TEST( a == b, tolerance(1e-5) );
BOOST_TEST( a <= b, percent_tolerance = 1e-5 );
-tolerance = 1e-7
vector<float> a, b;
BOOST_TEST( a > b );
BOOST_TEST( a != b );
Gennadiy, thanks for pointing it out and taking the time to answer.
I had read some of that in the archive threads.
When is the devel Boost.Test expected to become the main version ? How can I get the devel version of the code ? Sorry if these seem like newbie questions.
Again, thanks for the info.