On 29/09/2016 17:39, Ram wrote:
Will try that and let you know Gavin! Also wanted to know if it is possible to get the compiler error(the exact location) in my pre-processed file?
If you rename the .i file as a .cpp you can then add it to your project and right-click-Compile it individually. If it still shows the original line numbers then generate the .i file again but turn on the "Preprocess Suppress Line Numbers" setting as well.
Since we saw the error in construct in buckets.hpp. I searched for "construct(" in my pre-processed file. This is the template replacement, [...] template
inline void _Construct(_Ty1 *_Ptr, _Ty2&& _Val) { void *_Vptr = _Ptr; ::new (_Vptr) _Ty1(::std:: forward<_Ty2>(_Val)); } template<class _Ty1> inline void _Construct(_Ty1 *_Ptr) { void *_Vptr = _Ptr; ::new (_Vptr) _Ty1(); }
Well, it doesn't look like there's anything weird going on in there. Though if you do the above to locate exactly which line it's objecting to, it might help. Since this is C++11 code, let's go back to basics for a moment. Exactly *which* version of Visual Studio are you using? (Both the main version and which Update you've installed. You can check that in the About window.)