On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:36 AM, John Wiegley
Dave Abrahams
writes: Exactly. I'm 98% of the way toward a branchified sequence today.
OK, branchification is working! All that's left is submodulization as part of the same run.
Way cool!
Actually, the speed of this script is already too slow, so I'm rewriting it in C++ today both for the native speed increase (10x so far, for dump-file parsing), and because it lets me use libgit2 (https://github.com/libgit2) to create Git objects directly, rather than shelling out to git-hash-object and git-mktree over a million times. That alone takes over 15 hours to do on my Mac Pro. Don't even ask how long the git gc takes to run! (It's longer).
Interesting. I'd love to see the C++ version too. :)
If anyone wonders whether my process -- which works for any Subversion repo, btw, not just Boost -- preserves more information than plain git-svn: consider that my branchified Git has just over one million Git objects in it, while the boost-svn repository on ryppl has only 593026 right now. That means over 40% of the repository's objects got dropped on the cutting floor by git-svn's hueristics.
Coolness! :D So now I think it's a matter of convincing the other peeps that moving from Subversion to Git is actually a worthwhile effort. ;) -- Dean Michael Berris about.me/deanberris