On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Emil Dotchevski <emildotchevski@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Josh Faust <jfaust@willowgarage.com> wrote:
> we hit a case where an exception thrown in one
> module cannot be caught as anything but a std::exception in a module
> compiled with different settings (same compiler -- gcc 4.2).

The fact that catch(std::exception&) works for you is a coincidence.

Yeah, that was just an example.

> Since we'd prefer to use exceptions rather than return codes as our error
> reporting mechanism, I'm currently investigating possible solutions to
> this.  I was hoping to find something applicable boost, but it looks like
> boost doesn't differentiate between throwing in a header vs. throwing in a
> module -- for example, Boost.Thread has a few throw statements in cpp files
> Is this just an issue that hasn't been enough of a problem to address?

In general, a library might not work at all if its CPP files are
compiled with different settings than the user code, even if it didn't
throw any exceptions, because C and C++ do not define an ABI.

I suppose my impression was that exceptions are an even worse case -- but now that I think about it we've run into other compiler setting ABI issues before as well.  Maybe this is a non-issue because we're not trying to provide a perfectly clean interface (char* and other builtins only).



Emil Dotchevski
Reverge Studios, Inc.
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