Dear List,
i just started learning about The Boost Graph Library. Here is my
Problem in a minimal example:
#include <iostream>
typedef boost::adjacency_list < boost::listS,
int main()
Map map;
std::cout << "number of vertices: "
<< num_vertices(map) << std::endl;
Map::vertex_descriptor u = boost::add_vertex (map);;
Map::vertex_descriptor v = boost::add_vertex (map);;
std::cout << "number of vertices: "
<< num_vertices(map) << std::endl;
Map::add_edge (u, v, map); // <- problem
return 0;
The compiler tells me that ‘add_edge’ is not a member of ‘Map’. I would
like to know why and what am i doing wrong by writing
"Map::add_edge (u, v, map);"
best regards