Robert Ramey wrote:
I woke up last night and remembered how I dealt with this in one of the
Suppose you've compiled everything into a static library X.
There is a header b.hpp which looks like:
class derived : public base {
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version);
and X will contain a b.cpp file which looks like
... // other archives
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version){
ar & ...
// explicit instantiation
template void derived::serialize(boost::archive::text_oarchive & ar, const
unsigned int version);
template void derived::serialize(boost::archive::text_iarchive & ar, const
unsigned int version);
Now we have program A linked to library X. If A only serializes through a
pointer to the class "base"
then the code in b.cpp isn't linked in. The easiest way to handle this is
to NOT put b.cpp into
library X but rather link it in explicitly into program A. So the make for
program A looks like
A.exe : A.obj b.obj X.lib
In effect, the link specification becomes the equivalent "export
The only way this will break down is if the linker is too smart for our own
If you want a finer granularity, you can slightly reorganize code so that
you have
b_text.cpp, b_binary, etc
Or use a compile time switch to indicate which archives you want generated
c++ b.cpp -DARCHIVE=text_iarchive ...
or just use the polymorphic archive for everything there are tested demos
for doing this.
To summarize, I believe that explicitly including modules with instantiating
code will be
the equivalent to "export registration" since these modules include the
static singletons
whose pre-main construction makes the required types accessible to the
I think this is the best way to handle this. In fact, I think this is soo
good it should be added
as a "case study" to the serialization library documentation.
Robert Ramey