I am getting the following runtime link error when running a process
that has a dependency on libboost_regex-gcc.so
ld.so.1: configsrv: fatal: relocation error: file
referenced symbol not found
The demangled symbol is...
nm --demangle ../lib/libesda.so | grep do_assign
U boost::basic_regex >::do_assign(char const*, char
const*, unsigned)
My linkage looks to be okay in my library (libesda.so):
ldd ../lib/libesda.so | grep boost
libboost_date_time-gcc.so =>
libboost_filesystem-gcc.so =>
libboost_regex-gcc.so =>
The function is in /boost/regex/v4/basic_regex.hpp
basic_regex& do_assign(const charT* p1,
const charT* p2,
flag_type f);
I am running on a Solaris 2.8 host where my application and boost 1_33_1
were built using gcc 3.3.1
I have seen two other posting in the archives (V824.1 and V850.3) where
other users had similar problems but I saw no resolution posted.
I have verified that the symbol is present in the debug and archive
versions of the library and I have even tried linking against those with
the same results.
nm --demangle $BOOST_HOME/lib/libboost_regex-gcc-d.so | grep do_assign
000a65ac W boost::basic_regex >::do_assign(char const*, char const*,
000e3b70 W boost::basic_regex > >::do_assign(wchar_t const*,
wchar_t const*, unsigned)
Any insight would be most helpful. Thanks in advance :-)
Greg Prosch