El 22/12/2010 15:47, deuberger escribió:
Thanks for your quick reply, Ion. Yes, we are interested in both xsi_shared_memory and managed_xsi_shared_memory. I am also willing to help with the development if that would be helpful. Could you give me an idea of when a patch could be available for both of these so that I can decide whether we need to develop a workaround?
If you just need those two classes, I think they could be ready in two weeks, I'll reserve some time for this.
Awesome. Thanks Ion. That's exactly what we need.
I'm fairly sure the other two things we need will be supported by the above. The first is using xsi_shared_memory with mapped_region and it looks those changes are already done. The second is being able to choose which implementation of shared memory we're using (System V over POSIX), which would be as simple using the right classes. If I'm misunderstanding anything though, please let me know.
Yes, mapped region supports mapping System V shared memory
Thanks again for your help and please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
I think I need to add some tests and some minor tweaks. If I see the work is gettin too big, I'll ask for help. Best, Ion