Hello all,

I have been struggling with this for more than a day now.

I would like to build Boost 1.36.0 with STLPort 4.6.2 on gcc 3.2.3 for Linux-x86-32.

I have tried all options as below but none of them work for me.

1) bjam --stagedir=/somepath/install toolset=gcc stdlib=stlport install

2) bjam -sTOOLS="gcc-stlport" -sSTLPORT_PATH="/somepath/STLport-4.6.2/stlport/" -sSTLPORT_VERSION="4.6.2" --prefix=/somepath/boost_1_36_0/install  install

3) Added following to "boost/config/user.hpp"
   #define BOOST_STDLIB_CONFIG "boost/config/stlport.hpp"
   Then ran ./configure --prefix=/somepath/install  install

Could somebody please help?

Its driving me nuts trying to figure this out from Boost docs and using "google"


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