thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunately, people ideally would like to work with this data types without any functions and my job is to give them type safety ;)
The scenario should be:
struct PossibleValues
    accessor<0>    value_name_0(my_union);
    accessor<1>    value_name_1(my_union);
    accessor<N>    value_name_n(my_union);
    discriminated_union<mpl_vector_over_pairs>    my_union;
void ValueHandler(PossibleValues& ps)
        ps.value_name_0->netsted_value = new_value;
Accessor makes havy usage of mpl::if_, enable_if, etc. so that -> operator works will regular types, pointer types, types where the -> operator is defined etc... Accessor analyses the type associated with the discrminator and overloads a correct set of functions/operators for that type. For example, if a stored type is pointer -> returns the pointer itself, if the stored type is normal object the address of it is returned, but if the type contains the -> operator then the object is returned by value (in case of shared_ptr, because you can not apply the -> operator twice ->->).