[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
boost-users@lists.boost.org spake the secret code
[...] I would instead recommend using another mock object library in conjunction with Boost.Test such as googlemock or Turtle.
I have since looked into this and I would recommend Turtle. http://turtle.sourceforge.net It has a simple, clean and easy syntax with very little boilerplate that you need to write in order to "callables" (objects providing an implementation of operator(), function pointers, std::function, etc.), mock interfaces and template arguments. (The author and I are discussing ways to make mocking template arguments, also known as Concepts, easier.) Unfortunately googlemock now requires the use of googletest as a link dependency. When I tried MockCpp, it required too much repetitive boiler plate for my tastes. -- "The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline The Computer Graphics Museum http://computergraphicsmuseum.org The Terminals Wiki http://terminals.classiccmp.org Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com