On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 01:43, Vladimir Prus wrote:
Stephen torri wrote:
I see that the boost graph library is used to contain data but can it be used to contain a class which a visitor moves along the graph per a preset algorithm calling interfacing functions as it moves along?
I can't understand the question, sorry. What's "moves along" and what's "present algorithm".
Sorry. This is a prime example of "Torri" logic. Half in the brain and half in the email. A visitor to the graph would be what "moves" along on the graph.
class Blue : Color_Base { virtual ~Blue (){}
virtual std::string get_Name () { return std::string("Blue"); } };
So we could have a graph like
| Blue -- Red | / | / | / Yellow
I have a visitor called Color_Visitor which has the following pseudo code:
for each vertice in graph visit vertice call get_Name() print result
You can assign a Color_Base* to each vertex using either internal or external property and call 'get_Name()' on each vertex.
Good idea. I will need to review what is a internal or external property. Thanks. Stephen -- Email: storri@torri.org