One more thing. You might be closing the stream before the xml_archive is destroyed. This is a common mistake.
Robert Ramey
"Sangeeta Singh" wrote in message
I could get past the header with the "no_header" flag. Also I tried the demo and it puts the tag correctly but I do not get that tag in my case.
Does the friend declaration for the stream << operators required in the classes that implement serialization. I do not have this declaration but it seems to work fine.
The other thing is that I get the xml from outside source and when reading in it might have a header which will be different from the one boost has.
That was the reason I wanted to overwrite the init function to have custom header. Now I generate o/p with no header but then still have to read in the header. The only other way is I eat the header. Is there some cleaner?
But at least I know a way around. Thanks fro your time and help.
From: [] On Behalf Of Robert Ramey
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] How to override the init() in the xmlserializationlibrary..
A couple of things:
a) you might try opening the the archive with the "no_header" flag.
b) I checked the output of my tests and I see that they do contain the end tag
. You might try running one of tests and/or demos
to verify that these work on your system. If they do, investigate what your
program is doing differently
c) I looked in the code in "basic_xml_oarchive.ipp" and it does contain code
to append at the end of the output. You should
investigate why this code isn't being called. If this is due to an error
in the library- we would be interested in the details.
Robert Ramey
"Sangeeta Singh" wrote in message
I have a need to be able to specify my own init routine for the xml serialization. I tried deriving a new archive from xml_oarchive_impl and tried to have a init() function there but that does not get invoked.
I am using boost serialization library ver 1.32.
The xml that is generated by the library is malformed. It generates the following line without corresponding end tag
There is no in the o/p xml.
Also my requiremet is that I do not generate this tag.
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