On 13 August 2010 06:40, OvermindDL1
Attempting to use QuickBook to create both HTML and PDF documentation.
First of all, compiled just about everything I can compile in boost, including about all the tools, on Ubuntu.
To use quickbook you need to install a few more things. There's some instructions in the quickbook documentation: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/doc/html/quickbook/install.html#quickbo...
And running bjam complains about not having found boost, which makes sense since boost was build as a different user so its building directory is inaccessible.
If you use a prebuilt quickbook (you need to specify the location in your user-config.jam), you'll only need read access to the boost repository. If you set $BOOST_ROOT to its location, you should be okay. This is just to access boost build, the xsl stylesheets and dtd files. Daniel