Hi Erik,
This is the same problem as last time, although you would need to dig into BOOST_PROTO_DEFINE_OPERATORS to know that.
I see. Would it be too much trouble to ask for an explanation on how you got there from the compiler spew?
I don't think gcc-4.5 was available when Boost 1.42 was released, so it's not surprising there are problems. Would it be possible for you to use a more recent version of Boost?
It would be a pain 'cause I need to port a lot of things. (Proto is not the only part of Boost that we use.) Anyhow, the bigger pain is that I have no much clue about Proto error messages and our company is committed to be a long-term user of Proto. Therefore, learning how to demystify Proto error messages is of much importance to me and I'm ready to pay the porting price if that's what it takes. :D But, seriously, have you ever thought of including a section or two on how to do that in the Proto documentation? The other (sort of related) thing is that it's come to my attention that Fusion knowledge comes very handy in Proto development. This is though not encouraged at all and I don't really think that the documentations of Fusion and Proto are that nicely tied. TIA, --Hossein