Hello I'm currently trying to create a randomly made graph and I'm having
problem populating the properties using the randomize_property. Just like
this man
I'm wondering if it's even possible to use randomize_property with the
bundled properties? I hope so because the bundled properties are in my
opinion much more easy to use.
Here's the bundled property I would like to randomize (which is quite
struct City
int pos_X;
int pos_Y;
I've tried to get from it the property class needed using
vertex_bundle_type<Graph>::type this way :
I then looked in the source code and it seems that the function merely
takes a property_map and randomly changes the values. So I tried this (I
was desperate^^) using the way "get" works with bundled property :
Here's the source code for randomize_property
169 template
170 void randomize_property(G& g, RandomGenerator& rg,
171 Property, vertex_property_tag)
172 {
173 typename property_map::type pm = get(Property(),
g); 174 typename graph_traits<G>::vertex_iterator vi, ve;
175 for (tie(vi, ve) = vertices(g); vi != ve; ++vi) {
176 pm[*vi] = rg();
177 }
178 }
I know that for my short example and, by inspiring me from the source, I
could do it manually but I'd rather do it using genericity.
Hope there isn't too much broken english.