On Nov 8, 2004, at 12:16 AM, Stephen torri wrote:
I have the following graph:
typedef property< vertex_index_t, uint32_t, property< vertex_name_t, boost::shared_ptr<Component> > > VertexProperty;
typedef adjacency_list
// VertexProperties Graph_Type; When I looked at the documentation I did not see an example which used a boost::shared_ptr to store information at the vertex. Here is my attempt at writing a PropertyWriter. I cannot figure out how to write the 2nd function argument type:
class Component_Writer { public: void operator()(std::ostream& out, const boost::shared_ptr<Component> obj) const { out << "[label=\"" << obj_ptr->get_Name() << "\n" << obj_ptr->get_ID() << "\"]"; } };
A property writer is passed the output stream and the descriptor, so
you want to write Component_Writer like so:
class Component_Writer {
typedef boost::graph_traits