I would like to install parts of Boost, for now the uBLAS and smart pointer libraries, on a workstation running HP-UX 11.22. I'm using gcc 3.4.3, not HP's C++ compiler. bjam seems to build okay, but when I try to use bjam to install just the uBLAS library using the command ~/bin/bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" --prefix=/home/dgarza/ --builddir=/tmp/build-scratch/ --with-ublas it tries to build Boost.Python, Boost.Regex, and possibly other libraries, then gives the message ...found 3330 targets... then quits saying nothing else. I know it's trying to build Python and Regex because it prints messages about building those libraries, I don't know what else it's trying to build. When I add "stage" to the end of the command, bjam tries to build Python and Regex, then says don't know how to make stage ...found 1 target... ...can't find 1 target... When I try "install" instead of "stage," bjam seems to try installing everything. It ends with the message ...updated 3571 targets... The bjam documentation and help say the --with- option should make bjam just build/stage/install the specified library, but that isn't what is happening. Is there a list of dependencies for the different parts of Boost? Does uBLAS actually require Python and Regex? Related to this, would it be possible to provide a list of the names acceptable in the --with- and --without- options? Since uBLAS is under numeric I wasn't sure if the appropriate library name was numeric, ublas, uBLAS, numeric/ublas, etc. I tried to see if I could find a list of names somewhere but I nothing jumped out in the files I looked at. Does it just go by directory names? Thanks, David