On 10/10/07, Vincent Vega
Hi there!
- used the BoostPro Binary Installer for Visual C++ to obtain boost 1.34.1 - downloaded the following example for maximum_cardinality_matching: http://www.boost.org/libs/graph/example/matching_example.cpp - created an project using VS2005 as well as VS2008
Got the following problem (using both studios): - everythings fine while using the debug-mode - project runs but produces wrong results when in release-mode
Anybody has an idea what causes my problem?
Thanks in advance Dirk
Hi Dirk, Sorry it took so long for me to reply - I missed this post earlier because it wasn't tagged for the attention of the graph library. matching_example.cpp wrapped its function calls to checked_edmonds_maximum_cardinality_matching in assert statements, so they turned into no-ops when you compiled in release mode. So, it's not a problem with the matching algorithm, just with the example. I've fixed this on the trunk. Regards, Aaron