19 Jan
19 Jan
5:06 p.m.
yinglcs2@yahoo.com wrote:
Can you please tell me where does the Boost library get installed if I did a 'make install'?
If you do 'configure --help' or 'bjam --help' or if you read the getting started docs http://www.boost.org/more/getting_started.html#step4 you'll see that the default is to use "/usr/local". Which means that it will put libraries in "/usr/local/lib". And includes in "/usr/local/include/boost-1_31". -- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - http://redshift-software.com -- rrivera/acm.org - grafik/redshift-software.com -- 102708583/icq - grafikrobot/aim - Grafik/jabber.org