--- In Boost-Users@yahoogroups.com, "Jeff Garland"
C:\work\icl>icl /MD /Od /DDATE_TIME_INLINE /I..\boost_1_29_0 /nologo
Days till new year: 329
This one is right. And there is another one that is correct as well.
Looks like the /MD /Od settings get the correct result.
Yes, basically turning optimization on makes it fail. /Od is fine, /O1 and /O2 fail miserably.
As you can see both versions are broken. What I don't understand is
how come that boost regression tests are Ok? Am I using wrong version
of Intel Compiler, or am I missing some magic flags to compiler?
Did you run the regression tests (actually the in 1.29 the build
runs the tests) or are you counting on the posted regression tests?
I'm not sure what settings are used in the online regression...
bjam build does not work for me, so I can't really run them easily. So yes, I was referring to posted regression tests. I tried to compile and run the tests by hand, and it again worked fine without optimization, and blew up with optimization. So I can see few possibilities, either I am using different version of compiler (mine is Version 7.0 Build 20021018Z), or I am missing certain magic flags, or something is totally wrong with my computer. I am inclined to blaim the compiler. If it is the issue with compiler, then I think we have to bug intel to fix it. I will do it from my end, but more official request from Boost would probably be more effective. - Kirill