The following code leads to numerous leaks when lIn's contents are not an xml_archive. Any thoughts on the cause?
try { std::ifstream lIn( lpszPathName );
if( lIn.good() ) { boost::archive::xml_iarchive ia( lIn ); } } catch( boost::archive::xml_archive_exception& aExc ) { std::string lErr = aExc.what(); }
Hmm - this would surprise me. It looks to me that maybe I'm missing something about clean up from exceptions. baybe the std::ifstream lIn( lpszPathName ); should be moved outside the try block. I wouldn't think that should be necessary but now that I look at this it might be. What happens when you do this? Any C++ expert want to opine on this?
std::ifstream lIn( lpszPathName );
try { if( lIn.good() ) { boost::archive::xml_iarchive ia( lIn ); } } catch( boost::archive::xml_archive_exception& aExc ) { std::string lErr = aExc.what(); }
results in the same leaks. By the way this is with VC7.1. Jeff Flinn