I have tried downloading boost 1.76 on Linux from Argentina with: curl -# -L -o boost_1_76_0.zip.tmp https://boostorg.jfrog.io/artifactory/main/release/1.76.0/source/boost_1_76_... and also from the boost web page. This leads to a redirect to JFrog. I tried creating an account with both Google (which led to Invalid credentials - you might not be a registered MyJFrog user. Please try again. ) and with a new account on JFrog which sent me an email requesting my company: To confirm this request, please include the license owner or any other support contact associated with your company's subscription approval in this email thread. Are the boost libraries at www.boost.org available for free or only under subscription? I found I can still download them from sourceforge, of course, but I would need to patch any dependencies that point to the older web-site. -- Gonzalo Garramuño ggarra13@gmail.com