Russell Hind wrote: [...]
Did you manage to get any of the ublas patches I sent you in to this release (or do you know if any have been commited for 1.34.0)? We're just starting to think about moving to 1.33.1 and then possibly from BCB6 to BDS2006 but as we're now using ublas, it would be nice to not have to modify the code ourselves.
Not yet. I still have to look into that.
Also, just as a side note: The change notes state that filesystem builds as a DLL on windows but hasn't been tested. You should add a warning that filesystem can't be used as dll on Windows (certainly on Borland, but I don't believe it is just limited to borland) because the way name checkers are passed around are as C function pointers, but when you use it as a dll, you actually pass the address of the jmp instruction (i.e. the function offset table for the loaded filesystem dll) but inside the dll, filesystem checks against the actual name checker instance and so even if you pass in filesystem::native, your value for that differs from what the dll checks against internally, and so all namechecking fails (and I think reverts to default).
I see. So I'll have to look into disabling DLL builds for BCB2006 too, both in bcbboost and in 1.34. Cheers, Nicola Musatti