Hi all I'm an enthusiastic user of boost since quite a long time. I used MSVC6.0 so far. How ever, I changed to cygwin g++ 3.3.1 for project reasons. I have succesfuly built the latest STLPort version (4.6) and I also use it successfully. How ever, I am not able to build the toolset gcc-stlport. There are errors in the threadding lib and elsewhere, and such ugly things as "to long path names" errors in the console. Does anybody know how to build this toolset and link them together as one static lib? I use boost-1.30.2 with cygwin g++ 3.3.1 on winXP professional. PS: When I build the bjam stuff, what builds without any errors, it uses the MSVC compiler (the output it creates looks like this). Is this a problem? Thanks for your help Markus. -- Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/